Щековая дробилка Terminator JCT#1AL

Щековая дробилка Terminator JCT#1AL
Артикул: JCT#1AL
Под заказ
38 767,00
TM Engineering

Щековая дробилка Terminator JCT#1AL / Terminator Jaw Crusher Automatic Lubrication, capacity 5"x7" - это отлично зарекомендовавшие себя, простые в эксплуатации и в то же время очень надежные дробилки для подготовки рудных проб к анализу, позволяющие получать на выходе продукт превосходного качества.

Щековая дробилка Terminator - это совершенная дробильная машина.
Новая регулировка отверстия подачи щековой дробилки Terminator JCT#1AL с одной стороны машины является удобной и точной и достигается всего двумя винтами.
Улучшенные компоненты привода дробилки Terminator
Terminator JCT#1AL будет служить дольше и превосходить предыдущие модели и аналогичные дробильные машины.

Щековая дробилка Terminator JCT#1AL от TM позволяет получать самый качественный продукт, достижимый на щековых дробилках такого размера, при сохранении чрезвычайно быстрой и простой регулировки щеки.
Усовершенствованная конструкция компонентов дробилки обеспечивает большее количество дробления, меньшее техническое обслуживание и в целом тяжелую машину, рассчитанную на длительный срок службы.
Стандартная автоматическая смазка обеспечивает бесперебойную работу.
Также доступны комплекты для технического обслуживания и инструменты для ремонта на месте.

- Страна производства Канада

Дополнительные опции комплектации щековой дробилки Terminator JCT#1AL:

1) Шкаф управления;
2) Безопасный (питатель) бункер предотвращает вылетание камней при подаче машины (высота 10 1/2" или 6 ½")
3) Экологический корпус для борьбы с пылью (включает подставку с выдвижным ящиком)
4) Роторный разделитель проб под щековую дробилку
5) Скальпирующее устройство (для комбинированного роторного сплиттера Terminator) для определения размеров -¼ сетчатого материала, устанавливается над конвейерной лентой для координации потока материала
6) Защитный выключатель/блокировка на (4) дверях
7) Пылезащитный кожух для роторного сплиттера с 4" выходом для присоединения к существующей системе пылеудаления. (RS-ENCLOSURE)
8) Система быстрого отсева «минусового» класса материала

Аксессуары щековой дробилки Terminator JCT#1AL

Размер и вес щековой дробилки Terminator JCT#1AL

Запасные части / расходные материалы:

Пример комплекта ЗИП для дробилки Terminator:
- Гладкая подвижная щека (хромировано-молибденовая сталь JCT105-S—1) - 1 шт.;
- Гладкая неподвижная щека (хромировано-молибденовая сталь JCT106-S—1) – 1 шт.;
- Гладкая подвижная щека (карбид вольфрама) - 1 шт.;
- Гладкая неподвижная щека (карбид вольфрама) – 1 шт.;
- Сменные губки (гладкие или серповидные) Хромированная сталь (сплав 2) -1 шт.;
- Набор принадлежностей Terminator №1 JCT-KIT# - 1 шт.;
- Комплект подшипников - 4 шт.;
- Ремень - 2 шт.;
- Смазка SKF LGWA 2/5 – 1 шт.


JCT003 Motor Guard
JCT006 Flywheel/Fan Guard
JCT006A Duct from fan cover to rear duct
JCT007 Retaining screws for flywheel locking plate (2 pcs.)
JCT008 Locking screw for flywheel
JCT009 Locking plate for flywheel
JCT010 Retaining plate for flywheel
JCT011-1 Flywheel
JCT011A Screw to hold fan blade (10 pcs)
JCT011B Fan blade (10 pcs)
JCT011C Nut to hold fan blade (10 pcs)
JCT012 Retaining screws for flywheel locking plate (2 pcs.)
JCT013 Locking screw for flywheel
JCT014 Locking plate for flywheel
JCT015 Retaining plate for flywheel
JCT016-1 Drive pulley
JCT017 Key for drive pulley
JCT018 Lock nut for eccentric shaft
JCT019 Lock washer for eccentric shaft
JCT020 Key for flywheel
JCT021 Lock nut for eccentric shaft
JCT022 Lock washer for eccentric shaft
JCT023 Retaining screws for flange cover plate (4 pcs.)
JCT025 Felt for cover plate
JCT026 Ring for flange cover plate
JCT027 Bearing for main frame flange (hub)
JCT028 Felt for main frame flange (hub)
JCT030 Flange mounting screws (4 pcs.)
JCT031 Lock washer for flange mounting screws (4 pcs.)
JCT032 Flange for main frame excentric shaft. Stamped B.
JCT033B Spacing ring (Must be mounted with same flange where it was removed and with chamfer toward centre of shaft as shown). Stamped B.
JCT034 Retaining screws for flange cover plate (4 pcs.)
JCT036 Felt for cover plate
JCT037 Ring for flange cover plate
JCT038 Bearing for main frame flange (hub)
JCT039 Felt for main frame flange
JCT041 Flange mounting screws (4 pcs)
JCT042 Lock washer for flange mounting screws (4 pcs.)
JCT043 Flange for main frame excentric shaft. Stamped A.
JCT044A Spacing ring (Must be mounted with same flange where it was removed and with chamfer toward centre of shaft as shown). Stamped A.
JCT045 Bolts for pusher cover plate (6 pcs)
JCT046 Felt for pusher cover plate
JCT047 Pusher cover plate
JCT048 Pusher cover plate spacing ring
JCT049 Pusher bearing
JCT049A Pusher auxiliary bearing
JCT049C Bearing large spacer
JCT049D Bearing small spacer
JCT050 Screws for pusher cover plate (6 pcs)
JCT051 Felt for pusher cover plate
JCT052 Pusher cover plate
JCT053 Pusher cover plate spacing ring
JCT054 Pusher bearing
JCT054A Bearing small spacer
JCT055 Eccentric shaft
JCT057 Pusher (must be sold with JCT059)
JCT057A Barbed purge fitting (3 pcs)
JCT057B Clamp for purge line hose
JCT057C Purge line hose
JCT058 Screws for Pusher retaining cover (8 pcs)
JCT059 Pusher retaining covers (must be sold with JCT057) (2 pcs)
JCT062 Moving jaw top shaft
JCT062A Outer bearing (2 pcs)
JCT062B Middle bearing (2 pcs)
JCT062C Inner bearing (2 pcs)
JCT062D Ring for bottom shaft (2 pcs)
JCT062E Ring (grooves) for bottom shaft (2 pcs)
JCT063 Block (bearing housing) cover (2 pcs)
JCT063A Seal (2 pcs)
JCT063B Seal (Wiper) (2 pcs)
JCT063C O-Ring (2 pcs)
JCT063D Block cover screws (16 pcs)
JCT064A Clamp for purge line hose
JCT064B Purge line hose
JCT065 Moving jaw
JCT065A Moving jaw cover (2 pcs)
JCT065B Moving jaw cover screws (8 pcs total)
JCT065C Seal (2 pcs)
JCT065D Seal (Wiper) (2 pcs)
JCT065R Purge line hose
JCT065T Clamp for purge line hose
JCT065U Rubber curtain retainer screws (2 pcs)
JCT065V Rubber curtain retainer
JCT065W Rubber curtain JCT105
JCT066A Holding screws of moving jaw (2 pcs)
JCT067A Lockwasher for holding screws of moving jaws (2 pcs)
JCT069A Clamp for moving jaw JCT108
JCT077 Bottom shaft of moving jaw (pivoting shaft) JCT109
JCT077A Bottom shaft offset sleeve side A (must be purchased with JCT077B) JCT110
JCT077B Bottom shaft offset sleeve side B (must be purchased with JCT077B) JCT111
JCT079 Key for bottom shaft of moving jaw (2 pcs) JCT112 JCT113
JCT080-1 Housing for offset sleeve side A
JCT081A Cover for bottom shaft side A JCT114
JCT082 Screws to hold cover (4 pcs)
JCT086-1 Housing for offset sleeve side B JCT115
JCT087-1 Cover for bottom shaft side B JCT116
JCT088A Screws to hold cover for bottom shaft side B (2 pcs) JCT117 JCT118
JCT088-1 Screws to hold cover for bottom shaft side B (2 pcs) JCT119
JCT095A Pivot bar for adjusting mechanism JCT120
JCT095B Bolt and nut
JCT095C Threaded rod
JCT095D Washer for adjusting rod
JCT095E Nut for adjusting rod
JCT095F Screw
JCT095G Screw
JCT095H Lockwasher
JCT095J Adjustment holding clamp
JCT095K Dowel pin for guide block (4 pcs)
JCT095L Screws to hold guide blocks (2 pcs)
JCT095M Guide block (2 pcs)
JCT095N Clamp pivoting/sliding bar
JCT095P Hexagon capscrew to hold support plate (longer)(2 pcs)
JCT095N Flathead capscrew to hold support plate
JCT095T Support plate
JCT095U Dowel Pin
JCT095V Guard for adjustment holding clamp
JCT095W Screws to hold guard (2 pcs)
JCT095X Flat disc (washer)
JCT095Y Clamp releaser
JCT095Z Hexagon capscrew to hold support plate (shorter)
JCT105 Moving Jaw (serrated or smooth) Alloy 2
JCT106 Stationary Jaw (serrated or smooth) Alloy 2
JCT107 Clamp for stationary jaw
JCT108 Lockwashers for holding screws of stationary jaw clamp (2 pcs)
JCT109 Flat washers for holding screws (2 pcs)
JCT110 Holding screws for stationary jaw (2 pcs)
JCT111 Side wearing plate (left)
JCT112 Side wearing plate (right)
JCT113 Side wearing plate holding screws (2 pcs)
JCT114 Side wearing plate flat washers (2 pcs)
JCT115 Cotter pins (2 pcs)
JCT116 Motor plate shaft
JCT117 Motor plate
JCT118 Motor plate tensioner
JCT119 Retaining screw for motor plate tensioner to main frame
JCT120 Nut and washer for bolt retaining motor plate tensioner to main frame
JCT121 Bottom nut motor plate tensioner
JCT122 Bottom angular retaining spacer
JCT122A Upper angular retaining spacer
JCT123A Top angular retaining spacer (2 pcs.)
JCT124 Top nut of motor plate tensioner
JCT125 Hopper
JCT126 Hopper main frame side clamp
JCT127 Hopper cover clamp
JCT130 Drawer
JCT131 Stand
JCT132A Wrench
JCT132B Adjustment key
JCT133 Bar for Adjustment key
JCT134 Cover for bearing flange of main frame eccentric shaft
JCT138 Lockwashers for pusher cover (8 pcs)
JCT139 Belts (specify 50 or 60 hertz, 5 or 7.5HP motor) (2 pcs)
JCT143-1 Front part of JCT frame
JCT143A Bar with rubber and hardware
JCT144 Back part of JCT frame
JCT144B Washer for autolube mounting frame (2 pcs)
JCT144C Screw for autolube mounting frame (2 pcs)
JCT144D Auto lube mounting frame
JCT144E Screws and washers to hold duct (4 pcs)
JCT144F Duct inlet
JCT144G Air deflector plate (Vent)
JCT145-2 Left side of JCT frame
JCT145E Motor mounting plate’s yoke
JCT145F Motor mounting plate’s yoke screw
JCT145G Motor mounting plate’s yoke hardware
JCT145J Support plate hardware (2 pcs)
JCT145K Support plate
JCT146-2 Right side of JCT frame
JCT146A Insert for right side of frame
JCT146B Screws for insert (2 pcs)
JCT146C Dowel pins for insert (2 pcs)
JCT146D Screws to hold strip (8 pcs)
JCT146E Strip for holding side wearing plate (2pcs)
JCT148A Seals (2 pcs)
JCT151 Nuts for hopper bolts (4 pcs)
JCT152 Hopper bolts (2 pcs)
JCT153 Hinge brackets for hopper (4 pcs)
JCT154 Lockwashers for hopper brackets (8 pcs)
JCT155 Screws for hopper hinge brackets (8 pcs)
JCT157 Screws for hopper main frame side clamp (3 pcs)
JCT158 Frame/Leg screws (18 pcs)
JCT158-2 Sockethead screws (2 pcs)
JCT159 Lockwashers for frame/leg screws (22 pcs)
JCT160 Frame legs (4 pcs). If ordering please specify front right (F.R.) front left (F.L), rear right (R.R.), rear left(R.L.)
JCT161 Dowel pins for frame (8 pcs)
JCT162 Cross bars (2 pcs)
JCT165 Motor
JCT165A Motor shaft key
JCT165B Rock shield
JCT173 Frame Leg Screw (4 pcs)
JCT174 Screw for Stand (4 pcs)
JCT175 Rubber pad (4 pcs)
JCT176 Nylock Nut (4 pcs)
JCT188 Cover for bearing flange of main frame eccentric shaft
JCT238 Protective rubber rings for grease line (2 pcs)
JCT280 Pulley (specify 50 or 60 hertz)
JCT281 Bushing (specify 50 or 60 hertz)
JCT351 Seal for offset sleeve side A and B Housing (2 pcs)
JCT352 Seal for bottom shaft side B cover
JCT374A Bar for Rubber (short hoppers)
JCT374B Lockwasher
JCT374C Screw
JCT374D Bar for Rubber (tall hoppers)
JCT374-S Rubber strips (short hoppers)
JCT374-T Rubber strips (tall hoppers)
JC-MAT Rubber Mat
JCBAL2-1 Screw (6pcs)
JCBAL4-1 Washer (6pcs)
JCBAL9ABalancing block flywheel side
JCBAL9B Balancing block Pulley side


JCT057A Barbed purge fitting (3 pcs.)
JCT057B Clamp for purge line hose
JCT064A Clamp for purge line hose
JCT064B Purge line hose
JCT065R Purge line hose
JCT065T Clamp for purge line hose
JCT230A Straight grease fitting (8 pcs.)
JCT230B Fitting for main grease line
JCT231A Check valve (3 pcs.)
JCT233 Screws to fit manifold to Jaw Crusher (2 pcs.)
JCT234 Fitting for main grease line to nmanifold
JCT235 Fitting for main grease line to manifold
JCT237 Lock washer for screw to hold manifold to Jaw Crusher (2 pcs.)
JCT239A-1 Electric motor
JCT240A 90 degree grease fitting (12 pcs.)
JCT258 Grease unit main frame
JCT260-4 Connector, wiring and plug
JCT264 Straight adaptor for pipe
JCT265-1 Control panel box
JCT266 Grease line from one point lubrication to manifold
JCT267 ¼” pipe adaptor
JCT271A Pump speed reducer (sold only together with JCT239A-1)
JCT272-1 Grease container
JCT272-2 Screw (4pcs)
JCT275-2 Cap (top part)
JCT275-3 Cap (bottom part)
JCT275-4 Screw (3pcs)
JCT273A Grease pump primer nipple
JCT276A Pressure check valve
JCT279 Tube Compression Ring
JCT282 Double Cone Compression Ring
JCT288 ½” Non-metallic clamp for cable
JCT289 ¾” Non-metallic clamp for cable (2 pcs)
JCT292 Transformer for autolube
JCT295-1 Grease Manifold
JCT295A Grease Fitting (10pcs)
JCT315 Grease Line
JCT316 Grease Line
JCT317 Grease Line
JCT318 Grease Line
JCT319 Grease Line
JCT320 Grease Line
JCT321 Grease Line
JCT322 Grease Line
JCT323 Grease Line
JCT324 Grease Line
JCT350 Grease pump bleeder screw
JCT350-1 Grease pump bleeder screw larger
JCT353-1 Lubricator Housing
JCT353B Bottom cover plate
JCT353C Screw (12pcs)
JCT353D Side cover
JCT353E 90 Degree connector and cable
JCT353F Inner cover plate
JCT353G Clear cover plate
JCT353H Screw (8pcs)
JCT353J Screw (6pcs)
JCT353K Drain plug
JCT353L Screw (3pcs)
JCT354 Metal Sensor and hardware
JCT356-2 Lubrication Monitor
JCT357 Bridge Rectifier